Until now, mediation has been little used and is finally taking off with Justicity, the online mediation platform! 

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The law for the reform of justice of March 23, 2019 allows the judge to order the parties to meet with a mediator, including in summary proceedings, and extends the prior obligation to attempt an amicable resolution before going before the judge, to certain appeals before the TGI.

Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) are for a very long time an effective way to resolve disputes, differences and conflicts and make it possible to to avoid going to court to plead one's case.

Companies that criticize the justice system for its slowness and cost and find their experience disappointing have yet to exploit en masse the the possibility of an alternative resolution of their disputes.

Individuals, who are not used to accessing justice, are reluctant to embark on a civil lawsuit for which they know neither the outcome nor the associated costs nor the codes!

However, the MARDs offer them a way to settle almost all conflicts, litigations and disputes they may have with other parties in a fair and peaceful manner.rs, whether they are private individuals or entrepreneurs or companies.

Mediation at www.justicity.com involves a professional Mediator accredited and trained in the the implementation of the method.

At the end of the Mediation, the parties sign a binding agreement and the homologation of the latter is possible before the court.

Calling on Mediation is simple and a large number of Mediator directories are available on the internet! A simple search is enough! You will easily find one near you!

To make it even easier to use To make it even easier to use mediation and to get rid of geographical barriers, the JustiCity platform allows anyone to file a dispute online, to request mediation from the opposing party and, once the latter has accepted, to appoint a mediator!

Making an appointment is quick and easy, the parties are brought together by the Mediator in videoconference at a mutually agreed date.

The use of visioconference must be taken as a strong technological and sociological advance in a period such as the one we are all living with the confinement and the stop of the Courts.

The distance allowed by the Video Conference allows a continuity of service of the settlement of disputes by way of Mediation and treats also a large number of disputess that a physical presence geographically but also emotionally complicated could constrain.

So if you have a dispute, a difference or a conflict with a third party, have the right attitude by going through Mediation.the right attitude by going through Mediation.

Since Mediation is a free process, if the party you are seeking to mediate with refuses, you may be perhaps forced to go to court!

You can indicate to the Judge at this time that you have attempted this action prior to your action and he will certainly appreciate the initiative!

Going further: 

100% online mediation solution: https://justicity.fr

Our online amicable debt collection services: https://legalcity.fr/recouvrement-de-creance/


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